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Blog - Djang0 - Developer
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Implementing an effective billing system using Finite State Machines
Reading Time: 5 minutes Implementing a whole billing system for Shopify, backend and frontend using XState and the actor model
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Model-Based Testing for a Secure Shopify Theme with XState
Reading Time: 7 minutes Discussing testing methods with Model-Based Testing and trying to simulate a customer workflow based on key steps in his journey using Playwright and FSM.
Finite State Machines in E-commerce by Example
Reading Time: 2 minutes How do you organize your business logic with finite-state machines? Here is a brief introduction to the concept applied to e-commerce
Why do Shopify Functions provide an unfair advantage to create exceptional stores?
Reading Time: 2 minutes This article will try to summarize my experience with Shopify Functions; here we go and why they provide an unfair advantage to create exceptional stores.
Why Shopify is more than ever killing the game VS WooCommerce and other Ecommerce platforms?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Discover why I switched to Shopify for my e-commerce business. From better security to easier scaling and promising features, get valuable insights here.